Project #3: Blog Post

The Niche Leash

By: Katy Hahn

Everyone Has a Superpower

I believe every one of us has superpowers – gifts and talents unique to us that, when identified and applied, result in the embodiment of our greatest purpose and deepest fulfillment in life. My superpower is my voice. It’s not in the sound of my voice, but in the depth and insight of my perspective and the power of my delivery of those things to others. It’s in my ability to tactfully navigate many perspectives at once, challenging the nuances of different belief systems and inspiring paradigm shifts towards unity and collectivism.

I feel within me an untapped well of potential longing to burst from every pore of my being. Despite this drive, I’ve been having a hard time harnessing that potential into something tangible. There are so many potential routes to take towards progress. The hours of research I’ve done on how to share my voice with the right audience, if there is such a thing, has told me that having a direction, a focus – a niche – is the ticket to success in the online world. However, it has felt impossible for me to narrow one down for myself.

The Struggle of Choosing a Niche

Every time I start to consider a particular category to niche myself into, I feel that well of potential within me start to dry up as little droplets of potentialities are deemed unfit for the niche in question and disappear into nothingness. I whittle myself down smaller and smaller until I question whether or not I have anything to say at all.

This blockage has been holding me back from building any momentum towards my goals for weeks. As I’ve sat with the confusion I’ve been feeling on how to reconcile navigating through this abundance of passion with a lack of direction, I’ve come to a realization.

Niches are Restrictive

While strategizing against the ideals of the monstrous capitalistic system I’d love to be a part of dismantling, I’ve let that very monster sneak in the back door. I cannot expect to look to Father Capitalism to cosign and guide me in the use of the very weapons I dream of using against him. For me, the niche approach is fundamentally incompatible with my freedom of expression – and with my intentions.

I define what success is for me, and although I’d like to make a living doing what I’m passionate about, monetary gain is not what drives me at my core. What drives me is my belief that it is the highest calling of every being to authentically express themselves – to discover unconditional love for themselves, find their superpowers, and harness them for our collective growth and evolution as a people.

I will honor that drive, come what may. I will not whittle myself down and make myself small to be marketable. I am not a product, and I am not for sale. I don’t require a label.

Creating My Own Path

“You enter the forest at the darkest point, where there is no path. Where there is a way or path, it is someone else’s path. You are not on your own path.” – Joseph Campbell

Niche, smeesh. Truthfully, I don’t totally know what I’m doing here anyways. I’m figuring it out as I go, but right now – for me, authentic expression demands total freedom. I will beat my own path, algorithm be damned.

For more from kaleidobunny and to stay in the know on blog updates, follow kaleidobunny on Instagram.


Project Two